Friday, May 6, 2011

IM BACK!!! And hope to stay:)

Well after taking 2 years off from my short lived blog I am back. I opened the blog up the other day, and I loved reading the old posts and stories . So I have decided to start blogging again. It will just be about what is going on in our life. I mostly want to start blogging again so I can keep track of stories and memories along this journey. If you read this hope you enjoy.

A lot has happend in the last 2 years. The biggest of them all is we welcomed a new member to our family this fall. I have 2 boys and having fun. Let me tell you, life with 2 kids is a BIG change and it has rocked my world. I am finally starting to figure out a routine. My hubby and I used to say "what did we do before kids", when we had Jacob and now we say "what did we do w just one was easy". So I guess someday when we add a 3rd to the mix it wont be so shocking because we will be used to the chaos. At least that is what everyone tells me.