Tuesday, April 14, 2009


We had a great Easter, we traveled to Nebraska to spend some time with my family. It was nice to all be together again ( minus Jared who is in NY). We started the trip out sat am, we stopped to get gas and when Luke went to put the nozzle in the hole the hose fell off from the top and gas started spraying everywhere above Luke. He jumped into the car and drove off real fast, so all the way to Salina we drove with the windows down to help get the gas smell off of Luke. We then spent the evening at my aunts house where she made a ton of great food and desserts. The older I get the more I realize how much work goes into having family get togethers. Thanks moms!! Sun we got up and went to church and then had Easter lunch at my Grandmas, and off to see my other aunts new kitchen and had dessert. We ate way to much but it was great to be able to just spend time together.