Monday, April 6, 2009

Just in the nick of time!

What a matter of a couple minutes can make.... Friday night my sis-in-law and I went out to eat and to do a little shopping, we went to Towne West and left there 8:45-8:50pm, and headed over to babies r us real fast. I remember the time because she thought they closed at 9 and I said no they close at 9:30. We ran into babies r us and did a little shopping, left there 9:15-9:20pm. Come to find out that at 9:20 a guy walked into the store and held them up at gunpoint and robbed them. We missed it by minutes maybe even seconds. God really was watching out for us, I would say that was one close call.

I remember hearing something on the radio a few years back that we should be thankful for the mules in our lives. Meaning when you get stuck behind a big truck on the highway or someone taking an extra long time in a line in front of you, that maybe God placed them there to protect you from something not so good that could happen.


  1. Wow!! What a crazy story!! I can't believe it. You should start carrying a gun!

  2. Oh my gosh! That is so scary - I'm glad you guys got out of there when you did!
